As Consortium Space Technologies said, the coordanator of the construction of the orbital station MIR-2 , Maria Arkhipova, prepdred the video and she answers the question of where in space there is a better place to live than Earth.
Consortium Space Technologies emphasized that this conversation is extremely relevant, as current events in different countries show that a person needs a new home and needs to take care of where in the cosmos he is today.
Fortunately, according to the Consorti...
17.03.20 Russian LGBT+ rights campaigner thinks we should colonise the Moon and Mars to control the spread of coronavirus
Nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus, but does that include the Moon and Mars?
In the ongoing saga of COVID-19, a Russian lawyer who specialises in LGBT+ advocacy has recommended we board the nearest rocket and blast off to our friendly interstellar neighbours and set up camp there.
Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights chair and “professional manager in the space industry” Maria Blast uploaded a video to YouTube Sunday, ...